Hey Pans--das~! So on January 8th of 2012, the Fine Bros released a video titled,"Kids React to Kpop". If you are unfamiliar with the channel, the Fine Bros show a specific group of people video(s) and record their reactions and opinions on video for us to watch. Around 2/3 of the likes/dislikes bar are likes but us kpoppers really viewed our opinions in the comments. Yeshhh I did too. I ranted and ranted and did bad things that I shouldnt have done cause they were kids and it was jut their opinions. Don't hurt me. I was a mad ELF/SONE/Blackjack.
Anyways, today, they released a Youtubers React to KPOP. The concept of YOutubers React is similar to Kids React. I was very happy actually. I expected some of them to not like Kpop much because their tastes could be different. I was really happy because they stayed pretty respectable. Except somejuan who compared them to JB and One Direction....plzz noo...don't compared Kpop to them.
But still, I think it's just as a person grows up, they learn to accept things in life.
Link to Kids React to KPOP(All credit to owner(s)):
Disclaimer: You may get really really mad and be a mad ELF/SONE/Blackjack. Don't break your computer/laptop's screen and its ok. Emily is here. We can rant together.
Link to Youtubers react to KPOP(All credit to owner(s)):
Disclaimer: I did not create these gifs. Credit to owner
^.^ Emily
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